Friday, June 8, 2012

An Outstanding Oceanic Occasion.

Today is World Oceans Day.
So, without further ado, I will list some ways we can all celebrate!

1. Conserve water! Now, I'm not saying not to drink water. That would be very bad. I'm simply suggesting that when you brush your teeth, turn the faucet off when you aren't rinsing. When you wash the dishes try the same thing. Eat foods that don't require water to make. Take a shorter shower (the average shower guzzles up 4 gallons of water a do the math).
2. Sustainable Seafood! Try to eat seafood that comes from areas approved by experts on fish population. Extinction is not our friend, people. For more details on this, I have found a lovely link for you to view at your convenience. :)
3. Tell your fish you love them! As they say, fish are man's best friend... wait... :) Today, let your fish know they are special by protecting one of the world's largest and most beautiful habitats - the oceans. Your pets will appreciate the fact that you have chosen to conserve water and not eat their endangered relatives.
4. Repeat steps 1-3. Every day should be World Oceans Day! Let's do this!

Monterey Bay Aquarium's list of sustainable seafood:

Longer list:

On the News Front:

California has formed the nation's very first statewide underwater park system. Wow!

Happy World Oceans Day, everyone!

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